Thursday, November 7, 2013

8th grade Charcoal Office Supplies

Eighth graders looked at the work of Pop artist Claes Oldenberg and his various sculptures of oversized mundane objects such as paperclips and safety pins.  Inspired by his work, students chose different office supplies to draw on a large scale using charcoal.  These drawings are the result of much hard work and careful looking.  Come see them in the Upper School hallway!

Sixth Grade Coat of Arms Screen-printing Project

Sixth graders used the Ecuadorian flag as a starting point to discuss coats of arms and flag symbolism.  They then each designed their own personal coat of arms, choosing colors and symbols that to reflect their own identity.  After the designs were complete, students traced these onto their screens using Elmer's glue as a resist.  Now we are working on painting the screen-printing inks onto the screens and thus onto their shirts, which will bear their own personal flags.  Keep an eye out for their colorful designs!

4th Grade One-Point Perspective Ghost Towns

Fourth graders are learning about one-point perspective in art class right now, and since we started our project on Halloween, we made ghost towns.  They worked first in pencil, then outlined their finished drawings in fine-tip markers.  This week, we'll add watercolors.  Stay tuned for their progress!

And... the finished products, hanging in the second grade hallway.  Come check them out!

Quetzelcoatl Sculptures!

Fourth graders have completed their Quetzelcoatl sculptures and they are now hanging with their designs and descriptions.  Come check them out!

Second graders make skeletons for Dios los Muertos

TGS students of all ages have been making papel picado, tissue paper flowers, drawings, guaguas ('bread babies') and other decorative arts to display on our Dios los Muertos altar in celebration of the Ecuadorian and Central/South American holiday of the Day of the Dead.  Second graders created skeleton sculptures using wire and masking tape, then painted on bones with tempera.  Many of them are carrying their decapitated heads!